Silence. Meditation. Celebration.
High Mountain Hiking Expedition.
Tibetan Monasteries. Pure Nature.
Focused on living with a calm mind, open to the Moment of Life that Is Being.
Dissolving into the Tibetan Buddhist society of Ladakh, an area of the world still unglobalized.
Living and recognizing what is Real
The journey begins with your arrival at Leh airport and transfer to the resort where we conduct the silent retreat, where all group members will gather.
After the 3-day silent retreat, our tour of Indian Tibet begins. By road, we travel in a private minibus and embark on a 4 to 5-day high mountain trek, accompanied and guided by mountain professionals. We finish the circuit back in Leh.
Throughout the journey, we practice living with a present mind, in silence, open to the moment of life that is, that you are. We teach the mind to stop telling stories and to open up to living and recognizing the Real, what Is, what You Are. Meditation in the everyday, moment to moment.
The journey is organized and planned according to my direct knowledge of the area and my 30 years of experience in the place. The itinerary, accommodations, trekking; nothing comes from Google information or third parties.
Date: September 7-21, 2025.
A Moment Forgotten in Time
Ladakh has been known by different names: "Land of Passes," "Land of Lamas," "Little Tibet."
Situated between 3,000 and 7,500 meters in altitude, it is here that the forces of nature have conspired to create a magical, unreal landscape of extraordinary beauty and purity. A landscape of extremes and contrasts, desert and blue waters, scorching sun and icy winds, sand dunes and glaciers.
I often say that when you arrive in Ladakh, the mind enters a different frequency. It calms down immediately. The heart is captivated by the stunning beauty of these mountains, the depth and openness of the Ladakhi people's hearts, and the Tibetan Buddhist culture of this society.
Ladakh is like a moment forgotten in time.
Nomad for 30 years, between Asia and Europe.
Graduated in Biology, I discovered meditation at the age of 29 at the Osho Ashram in Pune, India. This encounter changed my life. Over the next 10 years, I met great teachers: Papaji, Byron Katie, Gangaji, Dolano, Neeru, Adiashanti.
My path was marked by these encounters. My love for pure nature and high mountains led me on my first trip to India to explore the high Himalayas.
I then discovered the Ladakhi society with Tibetan roots.
Ladakh, its mountains, and its people completely captivated my heart.
Since that first encounter 30 years ago, I have traveled, lived, worked, and shared in this part of the planet almost every year, sometimes for long periods of time.
Much of my time is spent exploring and traveling through the Himalayas. In solitude. In my work, I share exactly as I live and invite you to experience this moment of Life with a silent mind, open to what Is. Free. Real.
(Click to listen – in spanish)
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